The Rainbow – Best Cloud Storage Manager application is one of the few applications that allows a user to manage his/her files/folder on multi cloud services. A Rainbow user can not only connect to many different cloud services, but (s)he can also connect to more than one accounts from each service. In this article we will demonstrate how to do this, and how to handle the connected accounts.
Add an Account
In the Services screen we see all the services that the Rainbow app supports. If we have already connected to a service, we see the sum of the available storage from all accounts of that service that we are connected to and are active. We add a new account by clicking on a row. In our example we chose the Dropbox cloud service.
In the first screen we are asked to give a name for that account. It can be any string of characters, something that is meaningful. We chose the name “dropbox demo”. We tap on the “Next” button to move to the next screen and enter our credentials.
This is not our screen. Instead we are directed to Dropbox’s login screen. Here we enter our email and password and we tap on the “Sign in” button. If everything goes well, we go back to the Services screen.
The progress bar under the service Dropbox shows the storage that we are using. We are using 4GB out of 7GB available storage. The green icon at the right end of each line indicates that there is one active account for that service. The gray icon indicates that either we have not connected to any accounts yet or that all accounts are inactive.
Now that we added an account, we can browse it by going to the “Browse” screen or we can add more accounts. The process is exactly the same and there is no limit in the number of accounts that we can connect to.
Note: The process to add a SugarSync, MediaFire, MEGA, and iDrive account is slightly different. There is only one screen, and in that screen we give the name of that account, and our login email and password.
Manage Cloud Service Accounts
Even though in the Services screen we do not see the name of the accounts that we are connected to, there is a hidden action that allows us to do that. If we long press on the Dropbox line, we get the following screen.
The “Close” button will close that screen. We can delete an account by sliding our finger on it.
If we tap on the “Delete” button the account will be deleted. There is no confirmation dialog for this action. If we tap on the green icon, the icon will turn into gray. This means that the account in now inactive. If we do this, and we go back to the Services screen, we see the following image.
The icon for the Dropbox service is no longer green but grey. This means that we can no longer browse that account. Nonetheless, because we did not remove that account, we can long press on the Dropbox line, and re-activate it.
Even though these screenshots are taken from the iOS version, the Android version has exactly the same behavior. The UI may be slightly different, but all the actions that we performed here are also available on the Android version.
Finally, we can manage the cloud service accounts on the Web and Mac clients. The only difference is that the accounts are listed under the Service (no need to long press), and if we double click on it we can change the name of an account. But, more about these on a future article….